A really unnecessary section, after all, since everything you need to play Rider of the Black Sun is part of the book.
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But maybe you’re one of those people who are reluctant to scribble in gamebooks? In this case you can download and print all helpful documents on your computer.
Most documents are in PDF format. If your computer can not handle this format, you may need to install the necessary software.
Note: You may freely reproduce all downloads, but do not modify or use them commercially!
Adventure Sheet
The most important document. With the Adventure Sheet you’ll keep track of your character stats, like vitality, skills, and items. English (Promotional Copy) – 838 KB (May 2017)
English (Kickstarter Edition) – 1,972 KB (Jan 2019)
Notes and Sections to cross off
The document for important notes. Additionally with all section numbers you may have to cross off during your adventure. No need to write into your book anymore! With the Kickstarter Edition new fields were added to note the chapter of keeper Tarah. English (Promotional Copy) – 477 KB (May 2017)
English (Kickstarter Edition) – 1,619 KB (Nov 2018)
English (latest) – 973 KB (Nov 2024)
Weapons Training
The weapon training in chapter 2 assumes that the reader himself proves his skill. So you do not have to draw lines or dots in the book; the target and straw man are available via this download. English – 1,589 KB (Dec 2018)
Moon Calendar
To determine the actual moon phase anytime you could use this Moon Calendar sheet. English – 2,039 KB (Jan 2019)
Extra Chapter Flight Path Riddle
The riddle in the extra chapter is a real challenge and you’ll probably need a few tries to solve it. Use this PDF with four plans on a single page to master this problem! English – 1,425 KB (Nov 2018)
The detailed color map of the northern and central part of the continent Pakonia gives you an overview of your fantastic journey! English – 948 KB (Jul 2019)